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The Todd L. Levitt Law Show

Defense Attorney, Todd L. Levitt, delivers a fast-paced law show focused on global marijuana laws. The show discusses many other topics,  including criminal laws, the Constitution, changes in laws that affect all of us, . This fun, yet informative show features Craig Russell, the outstanding co-host of the mother ship.

Dec 27, 2019

The one and only "Big Hair" joins Todd & Craig in the Mother-Ship to close out the decade. Will Big Hair finally reveal his true identity? Or by doing so will it put his career at risk? 

The group discussion rounds up 2019 stories and hopes for positive changes in 2020. 

Happy New Year!!

Todd & Craig

Dec 26, 2019

Attorney Steve Lehto, joins Todd & Craig for their 2019 Christmas Show. Insurance carriers are similar to medical insurance in that they are trying to control what parts are used and when used on auto repair jobs, how much shops can charge for repairs and much more.

Merry Christmas


Dec 13, 2019

New state law gives local governments the option to ban pot businesses, but it also gives residents the opportunity to force a vote by collecting petition signatures from 5% of voters who cast a ballot in the most recent Michigan gubernatorial election.

Stray cats are running wild in communities everywhere.

Two step...

Dec 6, 2019

Todd & Craig deviate from their normal banter about all things cannabis for a discussion on what constitutes a misdemeanor compared to a felony conviction. Craig throws out an alphabetic letter at Todd who then lists various crimes that fall under misdemeanor convictions.

Dec 2, 2019

Cannabis Lawyer, Scott Roberts provides insight into the ever changing landscape of recreational laws. This episode is a continuation of Scott's appearance on the last podcast.

