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The Todd L. Levitt Law Show

Defense Attorney, Todd L. Levitt, delivers a fast-paced law show focused on global marijuana laws. The show discusses many other topics,  including criminal laws, the Constitution, changes in laws that affect all of us, . This fun, yet informative show features Craig Russell, the outstanding co-host of the mother ship.

Jul 29, 2019

Rules and Regulations have been released in the great state of Michigan. One of the nations premier cannabis lawyers, Scott Roberts joins Craig & Todd once again in the Mother-Ship. Scott, provides the listeners with all the updated information regarding the newly released rules and regulations. 

Micro Grows, Smoke...

Jul 22, 2019

This episode is filled with information regarding Marijuana Application Fees and designated consumption establishment requirements. With more states going recreational people are looking for places to chill and enjoy the company of others while smoking cannabis. Michigan, has put forth rules and regulations regarding...

Jul 12, 2019

The Marijuana Regulatory Agency Releases Emergency Rules for the purpose of implementing the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act (MRTMA). In addition to the licenses types currently allowed, the emergency rules created a license fro individuals seeking to open designated consumption...

Jul 5, 2019

Paleobotanists have determined using a molecular clock which uses DNA to measure time and calibrates the clock with fossil dates. Using this method scientists and historians have estimated that cannabis and its sister species Humulus (hops) diverged from a common ancestor 27.8 million years ago.

Cannabis is just as...