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The Todd L. Levitt Law Show

Defense Attorney, Todd L. Levitt, delivers a fast-paced law show focused on global marijuana laws. The show discusses many other topics,  including criminal laws, the Constitution, changes in laws that affect all of us, . This fun, yet informative show features Craig Russell, the outstanding co-host of the mother ship.

Feb 26, 2021

Todd & Craig dive into a fact pattern to determine if an inventory search was legal and the contents admissible in court. The two of them discuss the legal metaphor used to describe evidence that is obtained illegally. The logic of the terminology is that if the source (the tree) of the evidence or evidence itself is...

Feb 18, 2021

Earth moving decision from Michigan Court of Appeals that protects the rights of individuals on probation that posses Medical Marijuana Cards.

Attorney Michael Komorn who represented the defendant in this ground breaking case joins Todd & Craig to talk about what it means and the long lasting affect it will have on the...

Feb 15, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day episode. Craig and Todd discuss whether possessing a CDL and smoking Marijuana is legal. Other topics include the strain of the day Maui Wowie and drinking and driving.

Fun episode with Craig and Todd deviating from the topic as they often do. 

Happy Valentine's Day


Feb 5, 2021

Attorney, Mike Nichols, (Nichols Law) joins Craig & Todd once again in the Mother-Ship.  Mike provides an update from his previous appearance regarding his Sober-Link experience. 

Student walks into Taco Bell walking away with 300 plus packets of sauce only afterwards to be placed under arrest. Is this truly a crime?...